We're a week into the New Year, and I have yet to make any headway on any of the goals that I've tried to set for myself. I've never been one for resolutions, since I lack the discipline required to actually keep them, but I did want to start of this year with some sort of game plan. Yet, here I am, on the eighth day of the year, and I haven't even written down a list of goals, let alone start on the trail to reaching them. I hate talking goals. I hate discussing plans. The rational side of me wants to say that it's mostly because of my laziness, another part of me says it's fear of success, but I think, when you get down to brass tacks (who came up with that saying anyway? And what the heck does it mean?), it's probably because I'm so paralyzed by a fear of failure, that I let little excuses like laziness, or being busy, become crutches. I have so much that I want to do, then why can't I just pull the trigger and get them done? I'm not ...